44 Wines from 1 unforgettable Place Review

May 26th was definitely an unforgettable night at the Toronto Board of Trade. With 44 wines, 22 winemakers, great music and a room full of the coolest people in TO, it was a night to not be missed. There were also 3 different seminars that people could sign up for complimentary with your ticket, Wine 101 & Get Naked were led by yours truly (I also hosted the evening) and Wine & Food 101 were led by Chef Jason Parsons & Winemaker Lawrence Buhler. As you tasted through the over 44 wines at the event you were able to mark down your favourites and get them delivered to your home or office! Oliver & Bonacini made the night extra special with their delicious canapes, just thinking about them makes my mouth water.

But don't take my word for it that is was a great night, check out our pictures on Flickr!

Love Soccer and want to celebrate the World Cup? Join us on Thursday June 24th while we sip on Wines from South Africa and enjoy a Thursday night at Camera Bar on Queen West!
