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I guess I should open this blog by apologizing for taking some time off from blogging. But I have some good excuses, like I was building a pretty cool new iyellow website among others. But to be honest (because honesty is the best policy), I haven’t really been inspired to sit down and write. It isn’t that I didn’t have or do things that haven't inspired me, I just unfortunately haven’t wanted to spend the time to write about them. Contrary to what you may think, I really don’t find writing easy. In fact I find it to be one of the most challenging things I have ever had to learn or do. I don’t think I was ever really good at doing it either. I liked English because we read and talked about cool things, but what got me through this subject in high school was the fact that my English teacher was usually the same teacher who taught drama, and drama I was really good at. I got along very well with my teachers in Drama and as a result of good relationships, passion for drama and being better at everything else in english other than the writing part I got by with some good marks. In University I got mid 60's on almost every essay I ever had to write, thank God my marketing classes pulled up my average. Writing has never been on of my strong points. But what the hell, we've all gotta start somewhere and at least writing a blog doesn't get graded.

So now you’re probably wondering why I started writing, or decided to write this post. Well, I watched House last week and the chick from that 70’s Show was on it and she blogged about her whole life consistently everyday. When she blogged, people actually read her posts (at least they do in TV land) her readers were actually concerned about her and her health over the course of the show. Then late last week I looked at the new iyellow wine club website on google analytics and realized that the number one spot members were clicking was on the blog – but the sad thing was there was no new content. So from those two things I figured A) I should be blogging because people seem to want to click on that page and B) maybe people actually do read my blog (or this new iyellow blog) and with that I wanted to start writing again.

So without further adieu my friends, I am going to start to write more for you. Here is a bit of a lowdown on what has been going on over the past few months:

> I attended Cuvee (also known as the Oscars of the Ontario Wine Industry) and filmed with Savour Ontario (I'm not sure when the video will come out, but I'll keep you posted)

> I booked a trip to Europe (Paris, Amsterdam, & Barcelona) in May with 3 of my close girlfriends

> I attended the 2010 Wine and Cheese Show (with my Dream Team) and had a cool iYellow Wine School interactive booth where over 300 people were able to experience an iYellow Wine School class. They were 30 minutes long, featured 5 wines and was $5.

>I booked a Spring Wine Tour (GO GREEN) which departs Saturday April 10th, it features 3 wineries and one winery lunch

>I created a new website for the iYellow Wine Club - which has taken since August of last year, and I am now working on the iYellow Wine School website, slowly but surely things are becoming more user friendly for my members

I look forward to writing more for you my readers and for whoever else is out there reading these online story books!

ps - if you own a woman and wine calendar, I'm March!!